New Elections at the European Taxpayers Association (TAE)

Michael Jäger (DE) new President, Dr. Horst Heitz (CH) new Secretary General
Rolf von Hohenhau appointed Honorary President for life

As part of the general meeting of the European Taxpayers Association (TAE) on July 18, 2023, in the new TAE offices at Rue d’Arlon 46 in Brussels, new elections for the board and the management bodies were held as scheduled. There were two major changes in the Executive Board: The previous President of TAE, Rolf Baron von Hohenhau, did not stand for re-election after more than 38 years in office. Michael Jäger, former Secretary General, was elected as new President. His successor in the office as General Secretary is Dr Horst Heitz.

"It's time for a change at the top and to hand over the helm," said Rolf von Hohenhau in his farewell speech. A highly suitable successor was found in Michael Jäger, who not only knows the organization inside out thanks to his decades of work as Secretary General of TAE, but also has excellent European connections. The fact that Dr Horst Heitz, Brussels office manager, will take over the office of Secretary General of TAE is a real stroke of luck, von Hohenhau continued. In addition to these two changes, all previous officials of the TAE were also unanimously confirmed.

In recognition of his decades of voluntary commitment, Rolf von Hohenhau was awarded the European Bull, the highest award of the European Taxpayers Association, at the suggestion of the new President, Michael Jäger.

In his inaugural speech, Taxpayer President, Michael Jäger, thanked his predecessor: “What Rolf von Hohenhau has done for the taxpayer organizations and all taxpayers in his life can hardly be put into words. Without him there would be no European Taxpayers Association and no world association. He is and remains the incarnation of the fighter for the interests of taxpayers, for more entrepreneurial freedom, and a Europe that will also enable future generations to live in prosperity and peace. I am very pleased that Rolf von Hohenhau will remain on board as Honorary President and will continue to actively support the European Taxpayers Organisation ."

The Board of the TAE is now composed as follows: Michael Jäger, Germany (President), John O'Connell, Great Britain (Deputy President), Rolf von Hohenhau, Germany (Honorary President) and Vice-Presidents, Reiner Holznagel (Germany), Dr. Teemu Lehtinen (Finland), Christian Ekstrom (Sweden) and Grigol Katamadze (Ukraine). Treasurer of the organization is Prof. Alfred Gerauer (Germany) and auditors are Larissa Apassova (Ukraine) and Nikolay Popov (Bulgaria). Rudolf G. Maier (Germany) was appointed Press Officer for the organization. The position of Secretary General was passed to Dr. Horst Heitz (Switzerland), who also heads the TAE office in Brussels. The position of Public Relations Manager is held by Johannes Maruschzik (Germany). Eastern Europe Coordinator is Dr. Ralf Schneider (Germany).

Munich/Brussels, July 18, 2023

Taxpayers Association of Europe, Office Munich:
Nymphenburger Str. 118, D-80636 München
Tel.: +49 89 126 00 820 | Fax: +49 89 126 00 847

Taxpayers Association of Europe, Office Brussels:
Rue d’Arlon 46,  B-1000 Brussels
+32 2 588 15 20 (Phone)