Taxpayers Association of Europe (TAE) bestows the Taxpayers Award upon MEP Elmar Brok and Udo van Kampen
The European Taxpayers Award which is handed out for the 16th time by the Taxpayers Association of Europe on November 7, 2017 in Brussels, is bestowed upon MEP Elmar Brok and Udo van Kampen.
MEP Elmar Brok will be recognised for his tireless commitment for Europe. His quest to secure peace and thus the future of the European Union, deserves the utmost appreciation, says President Rolf von Hohenhau. He was and is mediator and anchor of stability when it comes to difficult European topics, be it conflicts between enterprises and consumers, political parties and governments. He is not afraid to travel to conflict regions and war zones in order to advocate de-escalation right at the trouble spot. Elmar Brok stands for a better and more just Europe that takes the people along and gives them back their trust in the work of the political decision makers. For him, social security and competitiveness do not contradict each other. Not surprisingly the difficult task of BREXIT Sherpa of the European Parliament was bestowed upon him, the European taxpayers organisation states.
Udo van Kampen, television journalist and former head of the ZDF studio in Brussels is recognised for his decades of journalistic work in the interest of objective reporting. He was the German TV face in Brussels, explaining European topics to the people in comprehensible language. Though he himself is pro-European, he has always remained a neutral journalist, who never shied away from also posing critical questions to politicians and European decision makers. Especially in times when the news are more and more dominated by social media it is important to have critical journalists who put the subject and not themselves in the foreground, says von Hohenhau.
The award ceremony takes place on November 7, 2017, from 6.30 until 9.00 p.m. at the representation of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rue Belliard 60-62, 1040 Brussels.
The welcome speech is held by TAE President Rolf von Hohenhau. The award ceremony is moderated by Dr. Ralf Schneider, Vice President of the Association of European Journalists.
Following the ceremony a reception will take place at the representation of Baden-Wuerttemberg in Brussels.
Rudolf G. Maier, Press Officer